Sunday, September 28, 2008

So, Life Goes On...

I went straight to the ER, nothing broken, but I've had to go to an Orthopedic Surgeon 2x had 2 xrays and an ultrasound on it as I've had a previous broken leg, blood clot and knee surgery on that leg before. I have a huge hematoma on it. Looks like I have 2 knees. Drs. couldn't believe my leg wasn't broken and neither could I the amount of pain I was in. So now, I am walking with a cane and trying to stay off it for it to heal in time for the baby to get here. (yeah, right me stay off it) I haven't driven since that day. It's driving me crazy.
Needless to say, I guess Aimee lost a friend that day as the mother of the child now won't speak to her at work anymore. I guess she thought we provided free babysitting or something. The joke was on us!
fondly, Nancy


Lola Enchanted said...


Nancy Hunt-Bartek said...

That's what I was saying! lol
fondly, Nancy

Christine Designs said...

Ouch! Hope you have been taking it easy.

Nancy Hunt-Bartek said...

Now that the baby is here, there is no time for rest!
fondly, Nancy